Monday, January 17, 2011

Pinewood Derby

Our Pinewood Derby was held on January 16th.
We had a great turnout with 30 Cub Scout cars racing and 10 adult/sibling cars racing.
There were plenty of very cool and fast racers this year.

Kohrt Weber, Thomas Schmidt, Brady Oakland,
 Zach Stein, Dalton Cone, Matthew Weber

And the results are;

Cub Scouts

1st Place:  Tiger Kohrt Weber
2nd Place: Webelo Zach Stein
3rd Place:  Tiger Brady Oakland
4th Place:   Bear Thomas Schmidt


1st Place:  William Taylor
2nd Place: Tyler Rieken
3rd Place: Chris Stein
4th Place:  Mike Irish

In the voting categories here are the cars with the top votes

Most Unique: Bear Dalton Cone
Most Patriotic: Bear Thomas Schmidt
Best Paint Job: Webelo Matthew Weber
Best Cub Scout Theme: Webelo Zach Stein
Best adult/sibling car: Chris Weber

Popcorn sale was a huge success!

The popcorn sale ended on October 31 with our pack raising $17,000!!
Dalton Cone was the top seller with sales of $2500.
Great job Scouts!
Monday, September 13, 2010

Popcorn Fundraiser Starting October 2!

We're kicking off this year's popcorn fundraiser with a sales blitz on Saturday October 2.  We will be meeting for pizza that evening.  Bring your sales sheets because there will be prizes for most popcorn sold that day.
Sale will continue the month with opportunities to sell available at several local retail outlets.

Contact your den leader to find out when and where to pick up your show and sell popcorn.
Online sales have already started to check out the link below to set up your online account.
Go to to create you account

More details coming at pack meeting on September 16.

Upcoming Events

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