Monday, January 17, 2011

Pinewood Derby

Our Pinewood Derby was held on January 16th.
We had a great turnout with 30 Cub Scout cars racing and 10 adult/sibling cars racing.
There were plenty of very cool and fast racers this year.

Kohrt Weber, Thomas Schmidt, Brady Oakland,
 Zach Stein, Dalton Cone, Matthew Weber

And the results are;

Cub Scouts

1st Place:  Tiger Kohrt Weber
2nd Place: Webelo Zach Stein
3rd Place:  Tiger Brady Oakland
4th Place:   Bear Thomas Schmidt


1st Place:  William Taylor
2nd Place: Tyler Rieken
3rd Place: Chris Stein
4th Place:  Mike Irish

In the voting categories here are the cars with the top votes

Most Unique: Bear Dalton Cone
Most Patriotic: Bear Thomas Schmidt
Best Paint Job: Webelo Matthew Weber
Best Cub Scout Theme: Webelo Zach Stein
Best adult/sibling car: Chris Weber

Popcorn sale was a huge success!

The popcorn sale ended on October 31 with our pack raising $17,000!!
Dalton Cone was the top seller with sales of $2500.
Great job Scouts!

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